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Live Betting

Offer your Players Dynamic, In-Play Wagering that Increases Player Engagement and Excitement While Increasing Your Profits

The Ultimate in Live Betting

It’s not enough to simply offer basic sports betting options these days. Your players are looking for a higher level of service where they can be more engaged in the betting action and Live Betting is the most exciting new feature in sports betting today. Players have a more engaged wagering experience when they can bet on the game while watching the game. Live Betting is great for the bookie too, as it is shown to be a effective at player retention while boosting overall betting volume.

All Major Sports

The Standard offers Live In-Game betting on all major sports including football, baseball, hockey, basketball, soccer, golf and tennis. With immediate grading of wagers, your players can keep betting throughout the entire game!

More Betting Options

Players want more betting options so they aren’t limited to placing 2 or 3 bets on a single game. With Live Betting, they can place dozen of bets on one game leading to bigger profits thanks to a higher hold percentage.

Dynamic Lines

Players can bet on what happens next. Place bets on the next possession the next at-bat and on-going player performance. The excitement is real for players who have access to live prop bets and more profitable for the bookie.

User Friendly

Our user-friendly interface elevates the excitement of Live Betting to new heights. Players can effortlessly place single straight bets or parlays, selecting their wager type after making their choices. Each game includes a real-time scoreboard that offers a live game feed, play-by-play results, and comprehensive statistics.

Add Live In-Game and Dynamic Live Betting

We have two levels of Live Betting available for your players. Our Live In-Game betting solution is included as part of your weekly package at no additional cost. Other per head shops charge $3 or more per player to add Live In-Game to your package. With The Standard, premium software features are always included for free, so you know up-front that you are getting the best deal in the industry.

Dynamic Live Betting is also available to add to your package, providing your players with the ability to bet on every swing, shot, and serve during the game. Dynamic Live Betting has been taking the sportsbook world by storm recently and you can offer the same experience to your players with the click of a button. Bringing this level of Live Betting action to players has shown to increase player handle by as much as 160%, making Dynamic Live Betting a slam dunk for bookies.

By choosing The Standard’s pay per head software, you’re providing your players with the ultimate betting experience while ensuring your bookie business thrives both now and into the future. Our comprehensive features, cost-effective pricing, and superior service set us apart from the competition, making us the best value in pay per head. Sign up today and see the difference that quality and innovation can make for your business.


Increased Player Handle

Live Betting Options Accelerate Player Handle

When activated, your players can bet on live events, and once they do, the fun never stops. It has been reported that when players utilize live betting features, their overall handle increased by 160% over their previous year’s action. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to increase your profits with Live Betting.